MitID Lokal IdPLocal Identity Provider for MitID Business is supported by both Addo Sign and Addo Form. |

Sign documents with MitID Business lokal IdP
Lokal IdP is included in all our subscriptions
If your organization or company uses local IdP as part of your MitID business solution, then local IdP can make your everyday life easier. If you are not familiar with lokal IdP for MitID Business, check this out, it might be something for your organization.
What is lokal IdP?
Lokal IdP is a service from MitID Business and the Danish Agency for Digitization, which enables employees in your organization to identify themselves through Microsoft Azure/AD or similar login methods that are supported through lokal IdP. In other words, this means that instead of employees having to use MitID Business as login or identification, they can simply log in using the method that is standard in the organization in question. This can best be described as a single sign-on between your organization and MitID Business.
With lokal IdP, your company or authority also becomes a local identity guarantor and can issue business identities and login credentials to employees. This is interesting because Addo Sign supports lokal IdP, so you can easily sign documents in your organization. If you send documents to other organizations that use local IdP, they get the same benefits.
How do you get started?
If you want to use lokal IdP in Addo Sign and Addo Form, it's easy. Lokal IdP is standard and does not require a special subscription to use. All organizations that use lokal IdP with MitID Business have access to lokal IdP, so all you have to do is select MitID Business when you need to send documents with Addo Sign or collect information with Addo Forms.
Why not get a demo?
Let's show you what Addo Sign is in an online demo. We would gladly tell you about our product and answer your questions.