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Efficient eSigning solution for schools and institutions

Addo Sign is both the easiest and most advanced solution available. Ready to use out-of-the-box, you can start today with signing, forms, or distributing sensitive documents. Plus, it includes unlimited users.

Save time on administration

Send employment contracts digitally to educators.

100% privacy safe

Secure handling of teachers and students personal data.

Get started quickly

No time-consuming installation - get started in minutes.

Efficient processes

Avoid sending reminders for approvals from teachers, school leaders and boards - it happens automatically.

Efficient for all

Declarations of consent from pupils, parents and students can be signed digitally - also from the mobile phone.

Easier archiving

Save time - signed documents are archived automatically.


Make it easy for students to enroll

It can be difficult for parents to enroll their child into school. The registration phase can be difficult as there are many forms and declarations of consent that must be signed - anything from photo consent to info about the special needs of a child.

Addo Sign makes it easier. You can set up automated flows so it all happens on its own. Let the parents sign all documentation digitally and have them return everything to you in a few minutes. Easy, fast and secure.

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Authentication and signing with well-known standards

Users need to authenticate themselves before they can view and sign documents that you are sending to them. For that, we use eID standards from all Nordic countries and eIDAS for the rest of the EU.

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Spend less time on administration

It can be a lengthy process to get employment contracts signed and manage allowances from educators. It can quickly take a long time to send contracts and documents back and forth and beg for answers. But not with Addo Sign.

Get digital signatures from teachers in minutes

With digital signatures, you automatically save time on administration. It only takes a few minutes from the time you send an employment contract to an educator until you have it returned - signed and securely filed.

Everything can be done digitally and is done automatically. It is easy for both educators and the recruitment committee. And the administration avoids many hours of manual work.

Automatically keep track of all documents

There can quickly be many employment contracts, supplementary registrations, declarations of consent, absence notices and diplomas that must be signed and sent securely. Here you can easily lose track.

With Addo Sign, all activities are logged automatically so you can always see how far your documents have come in the signing process.

Top-notch legitimacy and data protection

Addo Sign fully complies with both the technical and legal requirements of GDPR and the General Data Protection Regulation. Therefore, sensitive personal data will never be sent as a simple text.

On the other hand, all transactions and actions are automatically registered, so you always have full control over the documentation.

Hearts Card
Unlimited users

Create multiple users under one account at no extra cost and with easy rights management.

Signature Sign
Secure identification

Recipients can identify themselves with MitID when signing documents digitally.

Single Neutral Shield
Data protection

Addo Sign handles data use and storage in accordance with GDPR.

Ready to get started?

Find out how Addo Sign can help your organisation.